Thursday, July 19, 2007

k so I've kinda forgotten that I was gonna keep up with this thing. LOL ah well Im here once again and I'd like to talk some more about my most favorite person in the whole wide world.. Sarah. Ever since I've met her she's been nothing but the smile on my face each and everyday. Shes the most amazing person I know. Her heart is so big I don't know how she keeps it in her chest. Even when shes down I know its becuz she's thinkin about someone else and stuff that they're going through and worrying about them and not herself. Im sure she worries about herself too but I know the things that are bugging her the most are the situations that are troubling her family and friends.

- Everyone goes through ups and downs... you have to get past the bad stuff to find the good stuff. But once you are there you realize all the bad stuff is so small compared to the goodness in life. The bads might seem long while you're in'em.. but once you're out of them it seemed like such a short period of time. Look for the good in life even when you're down and the bad things won't even be a memory soon enough.

I know when we're together again tonight things will seem alright.. and I'll smile at you.. and you'll know you put that smile there.. and you'll smile for me. Just wait and see..

:) <3


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